Saturday, March 23, 2013

Planting Together for a Greater Future

Early this morning work began at the Magbenteh Polio Camp in Makeni. The Tree of Life class is required to do one community project in order to receive their certificate for the class. The class chose to plant moringa trees at the polio camp that will one day benefit the community. We showed them two kinds of ways to plant moringa. The first way, is to plant a single tree that will provide shade, flowers, and future seeds that can be used to continue to plant. We also showed them how to plant an intensive garden that consists of over 200 hundred seeds planted closely together. This kind of planting allows the community to harvest moringa leaves every 6 weeks to make moringa powder. This powder is then used as an additive to their regular foods to combat malnutrition and prevent other kinds of sickness.

I was humbled and excited to see everyone there working together and playing various roles. Just as the Bible says, some prepared the soil, some watered and others sowed the seeds. We even had Matilda and Aminata serving as supervisors from their wheelchairs. The community as a whole was excited about the potential of these seeds and what it could mean for their community. It was especially encouraging seeing them pray over the garden before we planted the seeds asking God to bring a good harvest.

I am so proud of my class and look forward to the coming days of teaching them the final 8 lessons left in our class. The rains have already began to come, so we are trusting God for a bountiful harvest – not just the moringa, but also in the hearts of everyone in the class. Please continue to pray for our classes here in Makeni and Freetown. Pray that hearts would be changed as the Gospel is preached and that physical wellness will improve as these communities begin to put into practice the knowledge they are learning. God bless.

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