The last month has been a a busy and exhausting week full of praises and new challenges. I first want to say thanks to God for the answered prayer of a new place to live. Renting here is not always easy. Finding a fair price and a place that is secure can be a challenge. My lease was up on my old place on September 1. Up until a week before this date, I had no idea or confirmation of a new place to live. I literally was riding on a wave of faith and prayers trusting that God would provide. He did.
The new place is the same price as my old place with the added luxuries of a fence, security guards, running water and a gas burner. No more cooking with charcoal! ;-) A good friend of mine, Tracey, who was working with a partnering NGO advocated for me concerning this house since she was leaving at the end of August. They even threw in some furniture and beds. This by far has been a relief and has taken a load of stress off of me concerning the past break-ins and security risks.
I also am praying about purchasing transportation soon thanks to another blessing of God through an anonymous donor. This will help greatly since I commute back and forth to Freetown and since the project will now be expanding due to a future teacher training conference that I am planning. Continue to pray that this purchase and the reliability of the transportation will suffice for the work here.
I am excited to say that Tree of Life is going strong, yet slow. I am focusing on quality and not quantity at this point. Pastor Emmanuel, my lead instructor in Freetown, reported four new conversions this past month and is moving closer to the new church he has planted. We also have five potential new teachers for the ministry, and I am working now on developing the training for them sometime in November.
I also am grateful that some of my family will be coming in November to visit me and for a vision trip. One of the biggest fears of missionaries working abroad is the thought of being forgotten. It is really a blessing to know that they will be coming to encourage me, my friends, our project and to see things first hand in order to report back in the States. I have been blessed greatly by all of you who have been faithful to continue to support me financially, through prayer and kind emails. It means so much to me and only God knows the value it holds within my heart.
One thought from my journal before I go…
Exodus 4-6
Today as I read from these chapters, I was fascinated by Moses’ continual doubt and questioning of God. I guess I should not be surprised. I am guilty of the same thing. Moses must have expected his own words via Aaron, and the signs and wonders to bring about an immediate release of the Israelites from Pharaoh's hand. It did not. Moses continued to go back despite that his own people began to despise and blame him for their increased work, Pharaoh’s resistance, and also Moses’ perception that God did not hold up his end of the bargain. God, you always uphold Your promises but in Your own time and in Your own ways. Just as Moses was persistent to listen to Your voice to “Go tell Pharaoh…”, help me persevere during my own circumstances and doubt to obey You knowing that you will fulfill your promises with complete perfection.
I love you all! LG+LP